Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Rhode Island it’s neither a road nor an island – discuss.

Let's talk about age. This came up over the holidays with the group of us that got together. Is it an issue for any of us? If so, why? What is the issue? Most of us have or are just about to hit 30 - is this a major milestone? Does it mean anything? Are we where we thought we’d be at 30?

I still think we’re babies in the big scheme of things (even those of us with babies). Every now and again I freak out, but for the most part I think I am okay with it all. Maybe because I still get carded and I “appear” to be in my early twenties. I knew looking like a 12 year old would come in handy some day. haha However, I do every now and again think oh boy time keeps going and there is a lot of life to get in …

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Scared of Santa?

Bri found this awesome site, which had me in tears. I hope y'all enjoy it as much as I did.
Merry Xmas to you all, and to all merry Xmas!
(and, see a few of y'all SOON!!)