Thursday, September 11, 2008


This country blows my mind.  I wish we felt outrage at ignorance and lies.  What's got me fired up now?  The reprehensible ad running claiming Obama wanted to teach little kids about sex, when in fact the bill he voted for instead allowed teachers to instruct kids about what inappropriate touches are.  How disgusting, immoral, debased, and wretched can Republicans get?  Honestly, I don't know the answer to that.  What's more disheartening is that the nation isn't rising like a tide of intelligent citizens to castigate and shame purveyors of ads like this out of our nation.

What do I think of Palin?  She thinks the earth is 6,000 years old...guess what I think of her?  She believes God wants us in Iraq and wants a new pipeline in Alaska.  She asked about banning books at the Wasilla library, and the librarian who refused was fired a few months later.  She can't answer a straight question (see the new interview with Charlie Gibson).  She wants to prevent American females from the making the choice she proudly proclaims her own daughter was able to make.  She wants to drill in ANWR, even after admitting that such a move wouldn't be a solution, merely a palliative measure.  She's a hypocrite, who claims to believe that gov't should get out of the way and let private citizens improve their communities, yet also mocks Obama's service in such a role (while at the same time praising in her role in, you guessed in, government).

If McCain and Palin win, we might honestly move to British Columbia because America will have signaled it's officially done moving forward.  Anyone want to go in on a house in Vancouver?

UPDATE: Holy hell.  Add to all this the fact that she doesn't know what the Bush Doctrine is (watch the Gibson interview clip).  What?  WHAT?!  People seriously believe this person should be next in-line behind the oldest presidential candidate ever?  My brain hurts.


RogE-P said...

I feel you brother (and, by 'feel' I mean in a good-touch sorta way, not the sex-ed for 6 year olds way.) Palin was a symbolic choice to bring a religious-right female onto the Republican ticket, since those are two demographics the Republicans need to win. Unfortunately, it's done wonders to energize their party (esp. religious wackos), help McCain in his attempt to steal the mantle of change from Obama, and distract voters from the fact that today's McCain marches in lockstep with the current Republican leadership and is no longer the maverick many of us admired from 2000. The shameful smear campaign the Republicans are conducting digusts me and is obvious evidence of McCain's conversion to Bush-Rove politics. Our nation deserves better.
And, BC, eh? ...British Columbia has the best skiing/snowboarding on the continent, so that's a real arm-twister. But, I'd rather stay here in the US to fight for what I believe it right rather than quit on our country.

Adam Tamashasky said...

Yeah, of course I'm only 3% serious about it :) Still, though, there's a discussion lurking there. Isn't there a point at which "quitting" the U.S. would be analogous to "quitting" a friend with a destructive tendency? After you've tried getting the friend off drugs numerous times, dealt with the fall-out, kept coming back and giving "one more chance," isn't there a point at which you become an enabler by constantly giving yet one last chance?

RogE-P said...

Interesting enabler analogy. But, I don't buy it. I just don't see how continuing to live in the US while still voting against the dominant political powers, continuing to argue against them to those who will listen, and (importantly) working to educate American youth is enabling. If anything, it's more like forcing the addict-friend to attend counselling.