Friday, May 29, 2009

Is Sotamayor a racist?

Lots of hatred being spewed on FoxNews and on right-wing radio about Sotomayor's supposed "reverse discrimination" (easiest, least thoughtful, most diabolical charge any white person could ever level against a minority...and sadly, a charge that many of us white folks are eager to buy into). Here's a link to a short article describing experiences of people who actually argued cases before her...for your review.

1 comment:

Adam Tamashasky said...

Nice article. Did you watch the clip they link to from C-SPAN? In that clip, at least, she comes across as the kind of critical-thinking judge I'd want--watch as she sets up the dimensions of the issue and then moves the attorney down the spectrum to find out where they'll draw a line (if they will) about torture. Clever.