Friday, February 29, 2008

You can also embed videos in posts--here's one of Ella

video bar

So... how are these videos appearing. I mean I know Adam put his up .... anyway who ever put up the SNL "one period a year" skit..... AWESOME. (thanks to all for holding my hand and brining me into the present tech siteeeaaation : )

Wednesday, February 27, 2008


Sweets you are blog-tastic. (I made a new word, spread it).

Okay so anyone watch the debate last night? I saw a good 45 minutes of it.

I was pretty turned off by (and I admit I am not really a fan anyway) Hillary C-dog Clinton and her whining about being asked the tougher questions and always being asked the questions first.... and attempting to link that to the fact that she is a woman....

first off CLAIM. I mean I watched it and I absolutely saw questions being posed to Obama first and secondly - Um hello? If you want to be El Presidente you should WELCOME the tough questions, the tougher the better. To be ready DAY ONE you have to be able to face at least that much.

I am sure I have riffles aimed at me and peeps are ready to fire away.... bring it...

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Sweets! (et al)

Sweets: Buck, buck, buck!
My songs were "The Sadness," Ryan Adams; "Half a Person," the Smiths; "After All," Sondre Lerche; "In the Car," Barenaked Ladies; and "That's Me Trying," William Shatner (lyrics by Nick Hornby, Ben Folds and Aimee Mann back-up vocals).

I won (the show was last night)--of course, I kind of unfairly win because I tell all of  my students (from multiple semesters) to listen (but not necessarily to vote for me).  So Round Three will probably be in the next few weeks (it's the Elite Eight, now, I think--maybe even Final Four).

As to the ph7 on the politico front, that's Kool and the Gang.  I will say that it looks like Bouncin' Billy Cunningham made an ASS out of himself today at McCain's rally in Cincy.  Nice work, Billy.   The debate starts in eight minutes (Clinton and Obama, Sweets, in case you were wondering)--be there or be much cooler than some of us on this blog will no doubt be.

Sweets in the house, oh my god, oh my god!!!

My title is not meant to be egotistical, Tamo gets it.

So a comment that I got from the venerable Mr. Christopher Pagan on Facebook prompted me today to finally accept my invitation to this "blog." My bad guys, I thought this would be more of a creative outlet for ourselves to share stuff, and having nothing to share immediately resulted in my tardiness. Many apologies. It would appear that I have some catching up to do, so I shall try.
Before I start, allow me to say once again, it's not that I don't care that you guys care about politics, I do...but I just hate this stuff. I thought a had a grasp a few months ago, but now I think I'm in over my head again, and I'm losing interest fast. So if I don't share much politically, don't forgive me, just accept it. Also as a sidenote, I will try to keep my input brief, and it will follow in reverse chronoligical order:

Tamo: I'll be at lacrosse practice tonight while your DJ competition is airing, which I presume to be 8pm EST. I'd be stoked to find out who you've been playing and what songs, and I've got a great list of music that I've been introduced to lately that I'd be thrilled to share if people would like to take a listen. I dig the Cat Power vids. My favorite band to rock to right now is Vampire Weekend. Good luck in the comp!!!

Lis: given my limited views on politics, I could say I've always liked McCain, can appreciate Obama, but have no desire whatsoever to see Hillary become president. And I will say this, I think it's scary to some extent as a man to see a woman leading this country. So in answer to Brad's question to you, I guess that's my instinct talking. If no one will admit it I will. I just think it's frighteningly unfamiliar.

Rog: my first instinct when I saw the "USS New York" was skepticism. The picture looks fake. So I did some research. State names were originally designated for submarines, but in honor of 9/11, the request for a surface ship was approved. "Oddly enough, a previous holder of the name, USS New York (BB-34), had its keel laid on September 11, 1911, exactly 90 years to the day before the WTC was attacked." Turns out, everything in that forward you got appears to be true. You can trust Wikipedia if you want to.
That being said, I guess I'm a little disheartened to find that we're in a sense commerating the death of fellow Americans as well a people from all over the world who died that day by creating a weapon of war. And I agree with you in asking what kind of message that sends. Don't we have enough steel from confiscated weapons, busted up tanks, other ships, and gas guzzling cars that we could have used? Why do we need to take a place where geniuses worked, people supported their families, carried out global relationships, and most certainly made love into a weapon of war? I understand what Papa Eardley has to say about protection, and the ability to criticize our government is a privelage we enjoy. But I cannot agree with Tamo more, "But wouldn't it be cooler if instead of another instrument of war, artists used the steel to craft a monument to the dead, a memorial that would also symbolize hope for a future different from the one we pretty much know is coming..."

Mr. T!: Obama's wife is seemingly an idiot at first glance for her comment. But I agree with Brad. She didn't sign up for this. She isn't running for Prez. Sure she's in the spotlight, and probably trying to do her best, and in her shoes, I could probably be heard saying a lot worse things. (not to be taken literally.) Brad, do you seriously have a list of stupid things potential first ladies have said? that's some politics I could sink my teeth into.

Rog!: good to see I'm not the only one who joined "The Blog" in the last 7 days!

Kells: you aren't the only one. Regarding Rog's last post and the subsequent comments, I felt a little overwhelmed as well. I do use facebook, myspace, and e-mail, I read books, am trying to learn how to play guitar, (by the way Brad your skills over Christmas were part of what inspired me to finally pick the damn thing up,) and sometimes the other stuff like politics just takes a back-burner, or no burner at all. So if you just wanna post stuff about your house, your life, your family, or fun stuff that you heard, said, tasted, felt, or smelled, just write about that. It's a blog so do whatchu want...I'll read it, and I'll dig it da most!

To All: the rest of the posts were about politics so I abstain. The pic of G-Dub & McCain hugging is cute. It looks like McCain is giving Bushy's undercarriage the old "how's your father?!"

I hope that catches me up. I'll post some more stuff about me and the stuff I care about soon. I heart you all dearly. X's & O's.

Monday, February 25, 2008


Hi, all--I'm in Round Two of the Dueling DJs competiton tonight on AU's radio station. Listen in at 8 PM online at -- vote after each song round (5 rounds, one hour). I'm not saying vote for me--just vote for the best (which will probably be me :) ). Rock on!

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Saturday, February 23, 2008

I Don't Blame You

Cat Power has a new album out--check out one of her songs by clicking on the top video over there on the right.  It's awesome (and it's called "I Don't Blame You")

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

responding to questions posted last week

I don't know why men aren't voting for her. I can only make assumptions...not comfortable with a woman in power, buying into the media spin, her voice is annoying, didn't like Bill blah blah blah. But, the answer is i don't know.

I do think some woman are voting for her because she is a woman, i also think there are woman who aren't voting for her for the same reason-because she is a woman.

I voted for Clinton because out of the leading candidates I strongly believe she is the best fit for president.

what we're made of?

I just got this scary-as-hell email forward today.
Might this lend another answer to why "they" hate us, other than because of our "freedom?"
Here's the forward:

Here SHE is, the USS New York, made from the World Trade Center!

(picture to the right -->)

It was built with 24 tons of scrap steel from the World Trade Center .

It is the fifth in a new class of warship - designed for missions that include special operations against terrorists. It will carry a crew of 360 sailors and 700 combat-ready Marines to be delivered ashore by helicopters and assault craft.

Steel from the World Trade Center was melted down in a foundry in Amite , LA to cast the ship's bow section. When it was poured into the molds on Sept 9, 2003 , 'those big rough steelworke rs treated it with total reverence,' recalled Navy Capt. Kevin Wensing, who was there. 'It was a spiritual moment for everybody there.'

Junior Chavers, foundry operations manager, said that when the trade center steel first arrived, he touched it with his hand and the 'hair on my neck stood up.' 'It had a big meaning to it for all of us,' he said. 'They knocked us down. They can't keep us down. We're going to be back.'

The ship's motto? 'Never Forget'

Please keep this going so everyone can see what we are made of in this country!

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Say It Ain't So

Obama's wife said yesterday in Milwaukee "For the first time in my adult life, I am really proud of my country, and not just because Barack has done well, but because I think people are hungry for change."
For the first time in her life!!?? What a great first lady she'll be. What a patriot!

Monday, February 18, 2008

So, this is what blogging is...

Shazzaam, Group Blogger-heads!! Rog here. As my cherry blog entry, this'll be my official step into the 21st century since, well, since I first jumped into the Internet rather late in the 20th century. It's fabulous to see all your beautiful 1's & 0's shining through the LCD (although, I don't know who some of you sneaky peeps are, with your witty and misleading names for your blogging avatars...)

Pennyway, since we're getting all politicized here (as well we should), he's my Curtis James Jackson III minus 48 cents for the day:

There was a typically solid Frank Rich article in yesterday's NYTimes, about the Republican Party painfully but undeniably sporting a scratchy, old, woolly, smelly, and moth-ball infested sweater as the “Grand Old White Party.” But, I’m even more fascinated by a Washington Post article Rich mentioned and linked to in his editorial. This Washington Post article is entitled “The Boomers Had Their Day. Make Way for the Millennials.”

The idea behind this article (and the authors’ recently published book) is the cyclic nature and inherent differences between idealist generations and civic generations in American history, particularly in light of the Obama phenomenon. (BTW, I heart Obama these days.) The authors speak of the post-1982 "milliential generation" being the largest and most diverse in US history (bigger than the boomers) who may well be looking to remake the country in what I think will be some kick-ass ways. If you don’t want to link to it above, here are a few quips:

"Today's millennials are the largest generation in U.S. history -- twice as large as Generation X and numbering a million more than the baby boomers... About 40 percent of millennials are of African American, Latino, Asian or racially mixed backgrounds. Twenty percent have at least one immigrant parent."

"Civic generations are committed to political involvement and believe in using and strengthening political and government institutions. In the 1930s, young members of the GI generation regularly voted in greater numbers than older generations. Similarly, millennials have led this year's surge in voter participation, especially in Democratic contests."

"...[N]ow, with another civic generation emerging, the times, as boomer troubadour Bob Dylan sang, they are a-changin'. Civic generations react against the idealist generations' efforts to use politics to advance their own moral causes and focus instead on reenergizing social, political and government institutions to solve pressing national issues. Previous civic realignments occurred in 1860, with the election of Abraham Lincoln, and in 1932, when the GI generation put Roosevelt in office. It's no coincidence that these "civic" presidents, along with George Washington, top all lists of our greatest presidents. All three led the country in resolving great crises by inspiring and guiding new generations and revitalizing and expanding the federal government."

I don't know about ya'll, but that's got me all giddy for both the present and the future. Maybe Bri and I won't have to move to Australia, Canada, or Ireland after all! Take care and much love to you lovely peoples.


Confession – I find the blog overwhelming. I don’t text message (okay well I try, but am VERY slow), use facebook, or myspace or any of the cool things the kids use these days… I stop at email. Every time I think I have a minute to read the blog - - I come to find it has expanded exponentially with new blogs and comments under current blogs (I may not even be using the proper terms here, perhaps the entire thing is a blog and each entry with a title is a new thread? I don’t know). Regardless, too many places to click for me : ) But seems to be great for everyone else!!

Anywho – I have been pretty absent and you probably won’t hear much from me again. But I will be reading, just not posting often. Probably not until we are down to who the candidates are…

On that note, contrary to my past political preferences…. I dig Obama. Really do. I am on his mailing list etc. and am reading his book. I find him refreshing. Can’t do Hillary and frankly if she is elected I am moving to Denmark (where the happiest people on earth live according to 60 Minutes last night).

So there, that is my contribution. Happy blogging all. I’ll be back later.

Gmail - Inbox (16) -

Att: All "The Group" Bloggers
Here is an excellent link to learn about the role of superdelegates at the Democratic convention from CNN.

Enjoy and Keep On Bloggin!

Friday, February 15, 2008

Tom--you bring up a point that is a window on to my exact problem with McCain, beyond policy disagreements. Somewhere between 2000 and 2004, McCain decided that becoming president was the most important thing, and so he began selling out. Exhibit A: he stuck by Bush's side, after what happened in South Carolina in 2000. 

Exhibit B: After his laudable denunciation of Falwell, McCain decided he needed those votes and went with his tail between his legs to Falwell's ridiculous "university" to make nice.

Seems like the "Straight Talk Express" got derailed a long time ago.  He was once a rebel; now he's a politician.

To Brad and Tamo and anyone else who may read this

On McCain and rebellion and drumming support for our blog

Thanks Brad for recognizing my NPR(my favorite radio station to which Mary Ellen and I contribute) like promotion of our blog on our blog. I was trying to stir up the silent majority beyond the core group that seems to participate. Now that Adam opened up the floodgates of admin, perhaps that will help. I challenge all of us to go to Facebook, My Space and any other blog to invite others to participate, well now that would be promotion! By the way, please click on the link of driving miss hillary and view a funny photo of the theme.

On McCain being a rebel. I will admit that most of his voting records are consistently conservative but he is ironically rejected by the hardline right wingers;Limbaugh, Hannity, Dr. Dobson, Ann Coulter, et al. Flying into the nations capital this week I read the not so conservative Newsweek cover headline, "They Want Blood". The story testifies to the fact that the right wing of the Republican party, whom I personally disagree with most of the time, are out to get McCain. To the extreme of Dr. Dobson encouraging his constituents to drop out of voting this next presidential election.
The reason I percieve McCain the rebel is just this article stated above. The ultra right wing hates that he is not the reincarnation of Reagan, although they won't admit to it. He has on more than one occasion, told his party to stick it, including all the blowhards like Limbaugh and Savage. And it cost him dearly in the last campaign against Bush when McCain called out Jerry Falwell for being out of touch with most of the mainstream in America. I could go on, but do the research for yourself, including reading this article, and make your own conclusions.
Take Care And Keep On Blogging,
Tom Eardley

Admin privs

Hi, all:
I've made you all administrators, so now you can officially change things and invite people, along with whatever else.  We are all equals.  Poke around and see what's up.

How do we invite people onto the blog? I'd like to invite Roo in. Her email is Kudos to the first person to decode the reference.

McCain's no rebel...Of course, neither is Barack. Chuck Norris is a rebel. Find out more here...

Dad Eardley, I'm loving how you're trying to drum up support for the blog on the blog.

McCain the Rebel?

Hey, Tom:
Can you talk a bit about why McCain's a rebel? It seems he's on board with keeping Iraq's status quo, keeping the tax cuts that have helped us lose the surplus into this historic deficit, and he's raising his conservative "credentials" like he wants to fall in line with party officials and kingmakers.

Cincinnati Bell WebMail - Message

Hello all "The Group" Bloggers,
This is funny stuff. The question is,"Who's Zoomin' Who?" and Barack looks like he is" drivin' down the highway in a pink cadillac" as Aretha would say. Hillary needs to rally in 2 key states, Texas and Ohio. Get your freinds informed, involved and educated before they vote, if at all. Apathy is what destroys our political system.

Fellow bloggers, let me know. Also, lets check this blog at least once a week so we can have participation from a larger pool of opinion. We need more than three or four people participating to make this fun and exciting. Please share your opinions, your all important and vital to our blogs success!

Take Care,
Tom Eardley

Cincinnati Bell WebMail - Message

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Why I should vote for Hilary

As a good Republican, though embarrassed by their performance in yesterday's Clemens' hearings, I should vote for Hilary since I think she will be easier to defeat than Adam's boy, Obama.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Women for Hillary?

Hi, all (esp. Bri, Lis, [and Kells?]):
Here's a good article containing an overview of press on Hillary lately; it's from today's WaPo.  But it brings up one point I thought I'd throw out there. This is from the National Review:
"Hillary Clinton has a man problem. And this time, it's bigger than just Bill. Take a look at the exit polls coming out of the primaries thus far: Men are going for Barack Obama over Hillary Clinton. In California, men went for Obama, 51 percent to Clinton's 39 percent, according to the San Jose Mercury News. In South Carolina, 55 percent of men voted for Obama, with only 23 percent going for Clinton. (Edwards took the bulk of the rest.)"

So here's my question: do you read this as men not voting for Clinton because she's a woman, or as women voting for Clinton solely (or especially) because she's a woman? To betray my own gut, it seems like the latter certainly seems a strong possibility.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Bradley T i left a post for you under "security"

Monday, February 11, 2008

Deal on WA primary

What a crazy's the info from the WA State Democrats webpage: Why is Washington State having Caucuses and a Primary? The Washington State Legislature was the body who voted to hold a primary. The means that the Washington State Democratic Party, which chooses how delegates are decided, had no participation in the decision to hold the primary, which will cost $9 to $10 million. The Washington State Democratic Party decided to choose their delegates through the Caucuses, as it always has. As a result, your vote for a Democratic candidate in the State Primary will not count toward delegate selection.

Sorry for the confusion, Lis. Bri and Lis, any thoughts about Clinton vs. Obama--I vote in MD tomorrow, and I'm open to consideration.


The WA state primaries are held on Feb. 19th
The caucuses were held on Feb. 9th
look at comments under "Sorry to break the news" headline for more details.

Yes- Obama won. Great-I like him too.

New Artist (To me at least)

Okay for everyone's listening pleasure I'm gonna throw out there Nujabes. Apparently he's some Japanese DJ but his sound is pretty cool. If anyone has any of his stuff please let me know, he's not on iTunes.


Songs, III

Hey, Tommy K--so, I went to and started a free account there (make sure you click past all the offers). Once you're in, you can upload files there, and then get the URL address. Copy it, and then when you write a post here simply highlight the words you want to be linked, paste in the URL in the pop-up box, and you're good to go. Let me know how it goes. Also, the vids at the side can be changed--they respond to keywords, so if there are youtube vids you want to share, feel free to edit the box.


Oh man, we can post music to here also? Awesome. Tamo, how do we do that, there are some great songs/artists I want ya'll to hear.

P.S. I'm going to have to get use to reading the blog entries and then the comments on them as well. This is gonna be fun.

Song, Part II

Okay, here's a new try--try clicking the link again, see if the whole song downloads: "The Drugs Don't Work"

Also, I invited my 'rents--and I see my mom has joined.  She's "Ledgedweller."  There's an odd history behind that name that I'll leave it to her to explain :)  After all, I'm just the spawn of the Ledgedweller.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Read the Comments

Blog Basics (for those who are new the to the process)...

Although everyone seems to get the idea so far, just wanted to remind everyone to click on the "Comments" button underneath each post to either respond to a post or to read other people's responses to a post. If you didn't know about this, you would have missed QCP likening me to our distinguished Veep/Cloaker/Penguin-in-Chief. Good times.

What a wkd for Obama! Come on, VA, MD, and DC!

Sorry to break the news...

but your primary happened and went for Obama.  You must've thought the 19th instead of the 9th.  What's behind your support of Hillary?

Hello from Washington (state that is)

Well, I am here

Hey y'all

Washington is not part of Super Tuesday. Our primaries take place on the 19th.

I'm not sure if this goes for the whole state, but in Whatcom county (my county) registered voters receive mail in voting booths. Convienient yes, but at times I feel cheated out of the thrill from voting with my fellow registered comrades.

My point being, even though our primary has not taken place I have already voted. My vote went to Hillary.

be gentle with your judgements.


Dad- if i may ask...Correct me if i am wrong of course but it seems that you feel more comfortable identifying yourself as a Republican. is it the fiscal policies, the social policies, foreign policies? What turns you off from the Democratic Party? Since it's hard to convey tone of voice... mine is of honest curiosity-no heat behind these questions. Love you pops!

Adam thanks for the reinvitation.

For those of you who were at Olliges Debauchery was quite a scene. glad it happened, my god i was in pain the next day.




We can also use this as a song blog--I opened an account with a free file hosting site, and if I link to it you can download the songs as I add them.  So, I'll inaugurate this new aspect of our blog with one I've been digging on a lot lately: Ben Harper's "The Drugs Don't Work" (but I hope this link does).

Hodge Podge

1) Actually, I wrote the post that seems to have been credited to Sara--must've signed in incorrectly.

2a) Brad, I believe anyone can view the page and leave comments.  Posting can only be done by those we actually invite.  I also think we can make the page protected, if so desired.
2b) Brad, I checked my email and voice mail--got both of your messages.  You rock--it's the 15th, actually, so you're early.  As for RSS feeds, I'll give you a buzz soon--how does tomorrow morning look for you (somewhere in the 9:30-10:30 range)?

3) Tom--isn't it pretty well established that there are/were no WMDs in Iraq, as corroborated by UN inspection teams and military intelligence?  Are people still arguing about the presence or lack thereof?  I really don't know--I thought it'd all been dispatched, especially in light of the "lies" report that came out a bit ago .


What's the story with security on this blog? Can anyone view it, respond to posts, and post comments?

How does everyone feel about that?

I am a little ambivalent about it. I like the idea of inviting new people in, but I could see some drawbacks.

Ron Paul response

Thank you to Brad, Tamo & Sarah for your response to my comments. To clarify, the Marge Simpson is a reference to his voice. He may have some outstanding ideas for our country, but his behavior in the Republican debates has been focused on the war in Iraq as the center of all of our problems, i.e. the economy, public education, social security, etc. are somehow to be blamed on our spending in Iraq. Granted, billions of dollars have been and continue to be spent on the war and Bush has mismanaged the execution of it and it is controversial whether there was WMD there with Saddam or not. Lets start a debate on that subject. I will throw that out to the group. But, Ron Paul is almost cartoonish in his voice and demeanor, aka Marge Simpson, and he loses credibility to me by his nearly single focus of the war in Iraq as the center of all of our problems in the US.

Thank you Sarah for the important information on primary voting guidelines in Ohio.

And finally, to all members of this blog, I challenge you all to participate regularly and invite your parents, siblings and freinds to join us. We need more ideas in this think tank.

Tamo. Perhaps it is time to send a re-invitation and expand our circle of participants. You guys decide. I say the more the merrier! I realize this is a work in progress, but I am making suggestions to make this blog fun, informative and provocative.
Take Care,
p.s. Brad, when were you a Republican last, in highschool?

Saturday, February 9, 2008

I thought it was a reference to his voice...
What's the Marge Simpson thing about re: Ron Paul? Is Marge a libertarian, anti-choice follower of the Monroe Doctrine? I mean, I know there are undertones in the Simpsons' writing, but...

Answers to Tom's questions

(that are in the comments section to my last post)

1) You can select either ballot in Ohio primaries--when you show up, they'll ask you which one you want.  Now, for the disclaimer...this will move your official party registration to Democrat.  However, this isn't really a problem--at general elections, you'd get the same ballot, and if you want to move back to being on the rolls as a Republican, you can just get the Republican ballot at the next primary.

2) Ron Paul: yes on the Marge/Perot mix, but you'd also need a good dose of someone REALLY wacky, like "burn it all down!" wacky.  Wayne LaPierre, anyone?

Friday, February 8, 2008


...what're the odds we could get you, Tom, to vote for Obama in the primary (even if it's simply a means of trying to stop Clinton from the nomination)?  I just triple-checked on the Ohio primary situation, and it is indeed a modified open primary.  C'mon, take the wild ride and get the Democratic ballot and vote Obama :)

Brad, I loved that Dobson essay.  I almost can imagine him red-faced and crying as he writes it.  "Well, I--I, uh, I just won't vote {sniff}  that's, that's what I'll do."  Awesome.

And to everyone else, even whoever is Behind the Tree, you can add the RSS feed to your email program, possibly, so you'll know when people add entries without having to keep checking back.  I use Mail (we're a Mac family now), and it's easy, and I use Thunderbird (Mozilla's email program) at work, and it's easy to add RSS feeds, too.  Just a thought.

Initial Launch- 2008 A Group Odyssey

You did it! You really did it! This is awesome and I am so excited to be invited to partake. Thanks for your initiative and proactive approach. My hope is that this may help enhance communication amongst "The Group" and other interested parties. Like email, it will probably only be a start toward a dialogue and surely there will be times that only a phone call or personal face-to-face visit will resolve some questions or comments. Instead of leaving misunderstandings or hurt feelings ending dialogue, my hope is that this will encourage all of us to open up continuation of important subject matters.
Tom Eardley
p.s. for those that care. McCain versus Hillary. I  vote for McCain. McCain versus Obama. I have to make up my mind between now and the voting booth in November! Both McCain and Obama intrigue me and in my opinion have strong leadership skills, are for change and rebellion against the status quo and have amazing life stories.
No offense to those that voted for Hillary,  but I feel she is a rerun of Bill Clinton and his policies and I think it is time for a change.
Roger-great video on Obama
Brad-Thanks for the heads up on Edwards and his leadership and Romney dropping out. The Patriots will come back. All in all, you gotta love Eli and his modest, self deprecating approach,

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Who is Behind _the _Tree?

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Blogness...It's my Weakness

Tamo, this is tight...really tight. You done good, kid. You done real good.

Boo-hoo for the Pats. Boo-hoo for John Edwards.

Big day today.

Did anyone watch the Republican debate last week? McCain was looking like Bob Dole in 1996. I feel like the debate is too much about additional wars (Iran, namely) as opposed to current wars (Iraq, Afghanistan). Of course, I'm not a Republican anymore. Here's a link to a satirical posting on DailyKos from a couple weeks ago that I enjoyed.

Dr. Dobson is pissed! Will other evangelicals follow his lead?

Take care, all.

One Ohio vote for Obama

No doubt, Tizzomy Kizzy.  I have one bit of good news to pass along--last night, I got my mom to agree to vote for Obama in the primary as a birthday present to me.  So that's one more Ohioan--what about you, Mr.Eardly/Tom?  Can we turn another? :)

Also, I spent some time calling Colorado voters this afternoon during Ella's nap to get them to turn out and caucus for Obama.  Pretty fun, actually.  If you want to do it, too, go to his website ( and take it from there.

A Change of Heart

There are times in my life when I wake up and realize that there are more powerful forces at work within the population than the jobs we hold, the cars we drive, the possessions we have, and the money we make. Ironically most of these times I wake up is due to the infulence of imagination and spirit. Awesome video and a great speech.

Monday, February 4, 2008

Great Obama video

Courtesy of Rog, here's a link to a great pro-Obama video featuring and many more:

Sunday, February 3, 2008

Why You're Here

Hi, all:
Mr. Eardley--a.k.a., Tom--suggested that we try a blog for all of us, as a form that might work even better than email for keeping in touch.  He, like many of us, got a kick out of our last discussion and wanted to try and keep the lines of communication going.  Wacky tech-loving guy that he is, he asked me what I thought.  Here you are, so there's your answer.

You all should be able to post--just go up to "New Post" in the top right of the screen.  Maybe this will work--who knows?  I'll get the ball rolling--I tried going to see Obama at AU when he and Ted Kennedy came last Monday.  We were not early enough and didn't get it.  Still, we ended up scouring campus with everyone else for a TV.  Found one in the library lobby, and watched the event with the most diverse company you can imagine--all spectrums and divisions represented.  It was a powerful moment, and it woke something like optimism in me.  I've even volunteered to do stuff for the campaign, which as all of you probably know is a first.

Obama rocks.  Thoughts?