Thursday, February 14, 2008

Why I should vote for Hilary

As a good Republican, though embarrassed by their performance in yesterday's Clemens' hearings, I should vote for Hilary since I think she will be easier to defeat than Adam's boy, Obama.


bigdaddy said...

Oops, I misspelled Hillary's name. I must have been thinking of Hilarious when I typed it.

Adam Tamashasky said...

Dad--see, but if you vote for Clinton and help her win Ohio, there's a chance you'll have to live with her as president (a fate you no doubt dread). So why not vote for Obama, so that you win two ways: 1) no Clinton possibility as president, and 2) the possibility of a transformative presidency with Obama?

Brad said...

Could it be that Mr. T is in the virtual house? Sweet.

All kinds of Dems in Michigan tried to do the Republicans what you're trying to do the Dems. Michigan has an open primary though. Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't Ohio's only semi-open...meaning that if you vote in the Dem primary, you have to declare yourself a member of the Dem party?

Adam Tamashasky said...

B-rad, you're right about that--see my earlier post to YOUR dad :) At the next primary, you can just get the ballot you want and go back to that affiliation. At the general election, you'll have the same ballot either way, so no harm, no foul.

Tom Eardley said...

Welcome to the blog. It's nice to have another parent around the house. I am narrowed down to McCain, my favorite Republican rebel or Barack, my favorite Democrat rebel. I will decide in the voting booth. If its Hillary, I will definitely vote for McCain, without question?
Tom Eardley