Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Rambo as US foreign policy, etc.

Hey y'all,
The NYT movie critic A.O. Scott has a cool, little 3 minute video looking back at Rambo. Despite what Scott says, I still think it's wack that, in many ways, this mid-1980s film has come to reflect contemporary neo-con thinking regarding foreign policy. The final seen in this little video clip speaks volumes.

Also, am I the only one a little bit concerned that Obama is pushing a strategy for us to throw our military resources into full-scale war in Afghanistan and Pakistan? That plan certainly did wonderous things for the Soviets... Is Obama setting himself up for future failure?

Finally, for a few stellar guffaws, I highly recommend checking out several of these "Get Your War On" video clips. The comics are fabulous, and these cartoons are likewise grand.

Jah rule; rasta.
- Rog

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Well after months of plotting... it happened. Last night was Matt's surprise 30th b-day party. (His actual birthday is Oct. 2). We were able to trick him and he had no idea until he opened the door and everyone yelled surprise! Wish you guys could have been there. Attached is my gift to Matt : ) Enjoy! Some of you make appearances in it. It's only about 15 minutes long. Love ya.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Awesome New Sound

Hey all,

I know I fall into the category of "off the f'-in planet" but I am still reading and like now sometimes contributing. So for my quick reinstatement into the blogging world check out this guy. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WEcckX1kHWI&feature=user

Not sure if he's legit but definately has some cool beats.

Love to ya,


Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Happy Halloween

In case anyone's looking for a Halloween costume: Enjoy.

Friday, September 12, 2008

Trying to understand

Hey there Tamo (and hey to anyone else, if you too happen to be reading clandestinely),

In a Judith Warner blog-posting on the NYTimes, she referenced an article by a psycologist in Virginia who does reaserch on morality and emotion titled "What Makes People Vote Republican."

It makes some rather interesting points about liberals' inability to empathize with conservative viewpoints, and it also makes reference to how conservatives' "moral clarity" presents a black/white, good/evil world-view that helps them tap into (manipulate) people's deepest fears. Intersting stuff, me thinks.

Thursday, September 11, 2008


This country blows my mind.  I wish we felt outrage at ignorance and lies.  What's got me fired up now?  The reprehensible ad running claiming Obama wanted to teach little kids about sex, when in fact the bill he voted for instead allowed teachers to instruct kids about what inappropriate touches are.  How disgusting, immoral, debased, and wretched can Republicans get?  Honestly, I don't know the answer to that.  What's more disheartening is that the nation isn't rising like a tide of intelligent citizens to castigate and shame purveyors of ads like this out of our nation.

What do I think of Palin?  She thinks the earth is 6,000 years old...guess what I think of her?  She believes God wants us in Iraq and wants a new pipeline in Alaska.  She asked about banning books at the Wasilla library, and the librarian who refused was fired a few months later.  She can't answer a straight question (see the new interview with Charlie Gibson).  She wants to prevent American females from the making the choice she proudly proclaims her own daughter was able to make.  She wants to drill in ANWR, even after admitting that such a move wouldn't be a solution, merely a palliative measure.  She's a hypocrite, who claims to believe that gov't should get out of the way and let private citizens improve their communities, yet also mocks Obama's service in such a role (while at the same time praising in her role in, you guessed in, government).

If McCain and Palin win, we might honestly move to British Columbia because America will have signaled it's officially done moving forward.  Anyone want to go in on a house in Vancouver?

UPDATE: Holy hell.  Add to all this the fact that she doesn't know what the Bush Doctrine is (watch the Gibson interview clip).  What?  WHAT?!  People seriously believe this person should be next in-line behind the oldest presidential candidate ever?  My brain hurts.

Merry Patriots Day, friends.

Behold, a reading from the Book of (NY) Times.

Monday, September 8, 2008

Blogging with Myself...?

Hey there y'all,
I might be the only person still looking at this blog anymore, but Billy Idol and I thought this recent commentary by conservative author David Frum was particularly interesting.

In a surprising (to me) turn, Frum concludes "Equality in itself never can be or should be a conservative goal. But inequality taken to extremes can overwhelm conservative ideals of self-reliance, limited government and national unity. It can delegitimize commerce and business and invite destructive protectionism and overregulation. Inequality, in short, is a conservative issue too. We must develop a positive agenda that integrates the right kind of egalitarianism with our conservative principles of liberty."

It's nice to see a conservative advocate for a greater balance of equality/inequality, even if he seemingly only does so to boost higher Republican ballot returns.

What do you think? ...as Roger Waters asked in The Wall, "Is there Anybody Out There?"

Saturday, September 6, 2008

A donde mis perros @?

Hey there Team!
It's been far too long since we've been chatting-up on the blog (only 2 posts in as many months?!) There's too much going on -- from the heavenly start of the new football seasons [college & pro] to the coming elections -- for us to be silent here.

With the 2 conventions behind us and only 2 months until the election, I'd like to see/hear some thoughts from y'all. As a biased Democrat, I LOVED the Denver Convention - literally getting weepy several times with inspiration and excitement. The Republican Convention was markedly different, but devilishly smart and effective on several fronts. Much of it made my stomach spin (esp. Mitt and parts from Rudy), but interesting.

What are y'all thinking here?
I thought this Paul Krugman op-ed was damn good.

I hope you are well. Much love, - Rog