Saturday, September 6, 2008

A donde mis perros @?

Hey there Team!
It's been far too long since we've been chatting-up on the blog (only 2 posts in as many months?!) There's too much going on -- from the heavenly start of the new football seasons [college & pro] to the coming elections -- for us to be silent here.

With the 2 conventions behind us and only 2 months until the election, I'd like to see/hear some thoughts from y'all. As a biased Democrat, I LOVED the Denver Convention - literally getting weepy several times with inspiration and excitement. The Republican Convention was markedly different, but devilishly smart and effective on several fronts. Much of it made my stomach spin (esp. Mitt and parts from Rudy), but interesting.

What are y'all thinking here?
I thought this Paul Krugman op-ed was damn good.

I hope you are well. Much love, - Rog

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