Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Earth will end only when God says so?

Check out this article about a Republican congressman and climate-change-denier who is pleading with Moeller alum Boehner for permission to serve as the new head of the U.S. House Energy and Commerce Committee: click here for the article.

The above article links to a charming video in which Congressman Shimkus cites the books of Genesis and Matthew -- what he calls the infallible word of God -- to assure his fellow policy-makers that God loves us, won't destroy the earth ever again, and as such we need not worry about altering our current carbon-polluting energy systems.

My thoughts? Indeed, the Earth will be here for several billion more years, at least until our Sun swells into a Red Giant and absorbs the inner ring of planets in our solar system. Humans, while only a few hundred-thousand years old, will likely stick around several thousand more. But our current civilization, our growing planetary population, and the world's dwindling biodiversity? Those have a much shorter time frames, and they'll only get shorter with people like Rep. John Shimkus at the helm.

If God exists, may she save us from such fools.

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