Wednesday, November 3, 2010


Hooray for resurrection of the TGB (The Group's Blog)! Boo-hiss for resurrection of a Republican-controlled House and Republican dominated governorships and state legislatures. :(

I'm afraid the later resurrections above mean we're even further from American Climate Legislation. The United State's shift toward a sustainable energy future remains depressing. You can access a remarkable and recent New Yorker article about the collapse of cap-and-trade last Spring here.

In that article, blame for the demise of a bi-partisan climate bill, which seemed surprisingly like a reality at one point, falls upon many, including the White House. Granted, altering how the global economy functions and is powered would be daunting at any time for the world's largest economy but especially so during the worst recession in 80 years (a recession, I might add, that began under Republican rule and stemmed from laissez faire deregulation of our financial markets and money lenders.)

As Brad mentioned elsewhere, immigration will likely be a big push for the G.O.P (i.e. Party of NO.) However, I expect Republican will focus on extending (and seeking to make permanent) the Bush tax cuts as the House's first priority followed by attempts to dismantle the Health Care bill.

On related note, I'm interested to see how much pull the Tea Party players have in the newly resurgent GOP. My guess is the GOP will co-opt the Tea Party peeps and make them dance to corporate-called tunes (somewhat like what happened to the Populist Party in the mid 1890s). My hope is the Tea Party grows enough to run a third party candidate who splits the 2012 Republican ticket for Obama to win (similar to what happened in 1912 with Wilson/Taft/Roosevelt, or more recently in 1992 with Clinton/Bush/Perot and in 2000 with Bush/Gore/Nader.) Here's hoping.

1 comment:

Brad said...

Are Repubs dumb enough to allow another Ross Perot onto the national scene? I hope so!

The point about tax cuts is well-taken. Why Dems can't find the sack to force Repubs to vote against the middle class is beyond me. Someday, there will be a powerful Dem akin to the Dems of FDR's era (not even speaking of FDR himself) who fought hard and mercilessly to enact THEIR party's agenda despite the trash that the Repubs talked.

About the co-opting of Tea Partiers, n.b. the very rapid sell-out by KY Tea Parties Rand Paul. He's now going to grab all the pork the Bluegrass state can handle.