Saturday, February 9, 2008

Answers to Tom's questions

(that are in the comments section to my last post)

1) You can select either ballot in Ohio primaries--when you show up, they'll ask you which one you want.  Now, for the disclaimer...this will move your official party registration to Democrat.  However, this isn't really a problem--at general elections, you'd get the same ballot, and if you want to move back to being on the rolls as a Republican, you can just get the Republican ballot at the next primary.

2) Ron Paul: yes on the Marge/Perot mix, but you'd also need a good dose of someone REALLY wacky, like "burn it all down!" wacky.  Wayne LaPierre, anyone?

1 comment:

Tom Eardley said...

thanks for the heads up. I will consider this to vote for Obama.
Tom Eardley