Wednesday, February 27, 2008


Sweets you are blog-tastic. (I made a new word, spread it).

Okay so anyone watch the debate last night? I saw a good 45 minutes of it.

I was pretty turned off by (and I admit I am not really a fan anyway) Hillary C-dog Clinton and her whining about being asked the tougher questions and always being asked the questions first.... and attempting to link that to the fact that she is a woman....

first off CLAIM. I mean I watched it and I absolutely saw questions being posed to Obama first and secondly - Um hello? If you want to be El Presidente you should WELCOME the tough questions, the tougher the better. To be ready DAY ONE you have to be able to face at least that much.

I am sure I have riffles aimed at me and peeps are ready to fire away.... bring it...


Adam Tamashasky said...

Hey, Kells:
I watched all of the debate--junkie that I am. I agree with you (and with just about every analyst out there it seems) on Clinton's lackluster (at best) and whiny, un-Presidential behavior (at worst). Seriously, bringing up an SNL skit the way she did? Whatevs. Also, I thought her entire approach was off--she hasn't gathered that people don't want to hear debates where all they people do is bash the other contestant. Obama fell prey here and there to that, too, I think, but after the first half hour he settled into his calm persona and let her self-destruct. What about her freaking out about him not "rejecting" Farrakan, only "denouncing" him? Talk about desperate.

Kells said...

Um AMEN. I actually saw that part as well and it just made her seem so desperate. His response was perfect. I mean it was comical really. His charisma and the calm and collected way he presents himself right next to her seemingly frantic demeanor made her look horrible.

(look at me using comments haha!! I am getting the hang of this!)

Adam Tamashasky said...

In two weeks you'll be podcasting while texting on your Blackberry and sipping a skinny double mochachino.

Tom Eardley said...

Kells and Tamo,
As to Hillary and her whining,scowling,smugness,filibustering,lack of poise, self righteousness,pseudo intellectual posturing, pseudo political experience and leadership experience portraying her position as co-president with Bill for 8 years;I observed all these positions and the body language of a desperate political candidate in watching last nights debate in my hometown of CTown on MSNBC and couldn't agree with you more!

Even Bill Clinton admits that if she loses either Ohio or Texas next Tuesday, she's finished in this race. 18 years of Bush/Clinton presidencies is enough. As Barack has so excellently stated,IT IS TIME FOR A CHANGE! GO Barack!
Tom Eardley