Sunday, February 10, 2008

Ron Paul response

Thank you to Brad, Tamo & Sarah for your response to my comments. To clarify, the Marge Simpson is a reference to his voice. He may have some outstanding ideas for our country, but his behavior in the Republican debates has been focused on the war in Iraq as the center of all of our problems, i.e. the economy, public education, social security, etc. are somehow to be blamed on our spending in Iraq. Granted, billions of dollars have been and continue to be spent on the war and Bush has mismanaged the execution of it and it is controversial whether there was WMD there with Saddam or not. Lets start a debate on that subject. I will throw that out to the group. But, Ron Paul is almost cartoonish in his voice and demeanor, aka Marge Simpson, and he loses credibility to me by his nearly single focus of the war in Iraq as the center of all of our problems in the US.

Thank you Sarah for the important information on primary voting guidelines in Ohio.

And finally, to all members of this blog, I challenge you all to participate regularly and invite your parents, siblings and freinds to join us. We need more ideas in this think tank.

Tamo. Perhaps it is time to send a re-invitation and expand our circle of participants. You guys decide. I say the more the merrier! I realize this is a work in progress, but I am making suggestions to make this blog fun, informative and provocative.
Take Care,
p.s. Brad, when were you a Republican last, in highschool?


Gunner Sykes said...

How do you comment on something like this? You are commenting on his voice? What does that have to do with anything? How about his hair?
How do you like that? How about his TV makeup? Do you think they do a good job?

Brad said...

Ha! Good questions, crackerjaxon. What do you think about Ron Paul?

I agree, Dad, that he's been completely focused on the Iraq War. Whether he sounds like Marge Simpson or not, the fact is that his campaign is still alive, and although he's only enjoying fringe support, he was never a front-runner to begin with, so he obviously appeals to a certain demographic...albeit a small one.

My problem with your criticism of Ron Paul is that you could have said the exact same thing about Rudy Giuliani. As Joe Biden so PERFECTLY stated in one of the debates, all of Rudy Giuliani's sentences contain a verb, a noun, and 9/11. Of course, Giuliani has crashed and burned, too. It's interesting because although some people vote on one issue, it seems that candidates can't run on one issue...not at least for president.

Dad, nice one on the Republican thing. That made me laugh. You may or not be surprised to know that I voted Dole/Kemp in 1996 as a freshman in college. Of course, four years later, I voted for Nader/LaDuke. So, you can see how college corrupted my mind!