Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Sweets in the house, oh my god, oh my god!!!

My title is not meant to be egotistical, Tamo gets it.

So a comment that I got from the venerable Mr. Christopher Pagan on Facebook prompted me today to finally accept my invitation to this "blog." My bad guys, I thought this would be more of a creative outlet for ourselves to share stuff, and having nothing to share immediately resulted in my tardiness. Many apologies. It would appear that I have some catching up to do, so I shall try.
Before I start, allow me to say once again, it's not that I don't care that you guys care about politics, I do...but I just hate this stuff. I thought a had a grasp a few months ago, but now I think I'm in over my head again, and I'm losing interest fast. So if I don't share much politically, don't forgive me, just accept it. Also as a sidenote, I will try to keep my input brief, and it will follow in reverse chronoligical order:

Tamo: I'll be at lacrosse practice tonight while your DJ competition is airing, which I presume to be 8pm EST. I'd be stoked to find out who you've been playing and what songs, and I've got a great list of music that I've been introduced to lately that I'd be thrilled to share if people would like to take a listen. I dig the Cat Power vids. My favorite band to rock to right now is Vampire Weekend. Good luck in the comp!!!

Lis: given my limited views on politics, I could say I've always liked McCain, can appreciate Obama, but have no desire whatsoever to see Hillary become president. And I will say this, I think it's scary to some extent as a man to see a woman leading this country. So in answer to Brad's question to you, I guess that's my instinct talking. If no one will admit it I will. I just think it's frighteningly unfamiliar.

Rog: my first instinct when I saw the "USS New York" was skepticism. The picture looks fake. So I did some research. State names were originally designated for submarines, but in honor of 9/11, the request for a surface ship was approved. "Oddly enough, a previous holder of the name, USS New York (BB-34), had its keel laid on September 11, 1911, exactly 90 years to the day before the WTC was attacked." Turns out, everything in that forward you got appears to be true. You can trust Wikipedia if you want to.
That being said, I guess I'm a little disheartened to find that we're in a sense commerating the death of fellow Americans as well a people from all over the world who died that day by creating a weapon of war. And I agree with you in asking what kind of message that sends. Don't we have enough steel from confiscated weapons, busted up tanks, other ships, and gas guzzling cars that we could have used? Why do we need to take a place where geniuses worked, people supported their families, carried out global relationships, and most certainly made love into a weapon of war? I understand what Papa Eardley has to say about protection, and the ability to criticize our government is a privelage we enjoy. But I cannot agree with Tamo more, "But wouldn't it be cooler if instead of another instrument of war, artists used the steel to craft a monument to the dead, a memorial that would also symbolize hope for a future different from the one we pretty much know is coming..."

Mr. T!: Obama's wife is seemingly an idiot at first glance for her comment. But I agree with Brad. She didn't sign up for this. She isn't running for Prez. Sure she's in the spotlight, and probably trying to do her best, and in her shoes, I could probably be heard saying a lot worse things. (not to be taken literally.) Brad, do you seriously have a list of stupid things potential first ladies have said?...now that's some politics I could sink my teeth into.

Rog!: good to see I'm not the only one who joined "The Blog" in the last 7 days!

Kells: you aren't the only one. Regarding Rog's last post and the subsequent comments, I felt a little overwhelmed as well. I do use facebook, myspace, and e-mail, I read books, am trying to learn how to play guitar, (by the way Brad your skills over Christmas were part of what inspired me to finally pick the damn thing up,) and sometimes the other stuff like politics just takes a back-burner, or no burner at all. So if you just wanna post stuff about your house, your life, your family, or fun stuff that you heard, said, tasted, felt, or smelled, just write about that. It's a blog so do whatchu want...I'll read it, and I'll dig it da most!

To All: the rest of the posts were about politics so I abstain. The pic of G-Dub & McCain hugging is cute. It looks like McCain is giving Bushy's undercarriage the old "how's your father?!"

I hope that catches me up. I'll post some more stuff about me and the stuff I care about soon. I heart you all dearly. X's & O's.


Tom Eardley said...

Cool observations; except we need to embrace the idea of a female president just as the evolution of CEO's in the boardroom of fortune 500 companies is beginning to happen.

Witness the outstanding job by Pepsico's CEO Indra Nooyi. Check out the front page photo and headline article on "What Makes Pepsi Great?" in the March 3rd issue of FORTUNE magazine. She is being fiscally responsible, enviro freindly, more healthy driven products, yet profitably successful.

Lets continue to give women opportunities to prove and assert their leadership in all fields.

I will take either of my daughters, Bri or Lis, and go head to head with any man in any debate or political decision making.
Peace and Keep on Bloggin,

Tommy K said...


Yo man I hear ya on the guitar playing. I picked up an acoustic guitar too hoping to reach the levels of B-rad. If anything I think it could be something to relax and take my mind off stuff while not rotting my brain watching tv. I'm trying to read more as well. I actually picked up that book you were reading when we went out west, "Undaunted Courage". Hey as per our conversation over Christmas, you should check out the website to Earthaven. It's a eco-community in Tennessee. Looks cool.
Peace bro.

RogE-P said...

it's f'in brilliant to have you on board, brother. despite your resistance to politics, you know i love ya! i'm still looking for us to chat soon - i'd love to hear how your recent weekend visitation went.
TommyK, of course, and as always, you're the man! once you're done reading undaunted courage, if you're looking for another book about early american exploration, check out 'Sea of Glory', i think my some dude named Philbrick?? it's about early republican (little R) era american naval exploration and scientific information gathering (it's essentially the same mission as lewis and clarke, but at sea instead of over land.) love you much! - rog

RogE-P said...

also, i heartily agree with Papa Eardley: woman need to play a much bigger role in this country and in the world, not just in the boardroom, but in the hallowed halls of public administration, as elsewhere. but, sweets, i give you mad props for being honest and sharing your initial gut feelings, even if they are sexist and i disagree with them. :)

Kells said...

just wanted to toss in there... i, as a woman of course, disagree with Sweet's thinking a gal being president is scary. But I can see that change is scary so I get what he is saying on that level. however, i am all about more women in power - Hill just ain't my gal.

Brad said...

Like everyone else, I'm psyched that both you and Kell have truly embraced the blogness.

As for the first lady quotes, I was talking about presidential quotes...thinking that they are much more relevant than a first lady's quotes. GWB has provided going on eight years of day calendar's worth of amazingly stupid quotes.

Brad said...

I also thank you for your honesty about your sexism. It reminds me of a song I've written about my racism. It's much better to be honest about these things.

My question is...who would you rather have as president...George W. Bush or Hillary Clinton? I realize of course that Bush isn't an option, but I want to push the question of what gender has to do with the ability to lead the country.