Monday, March 3, 2008

Hey, fellow bloggers...just a quick FYI...Ledgedweller has jumped...parties (not off the ledge, yet). What began as a 30th birthday gift to my son has become this phenom...tomorrow a.m. I will vote for Obama and do my part for 2008...certain repercussions await me but life on the ledge has prepared me for this action.  Farewell to the life that late I lead.....goodbye!


Brad said...

I'm trying to imagine what I would do in your shoes, Mrs. T. Let's say the democratic nomination were basically sewn up, and my child asked me to vote for his republican choice. I'd like to believe I'd do it, but I won't know until I get there.

As an Obama supporter (and on behalf of your son who precedes me by a month or so), thanks!

Adam Tamashasky said...

Just to clarify how cool my mom's move is--she agreed to do it BEFORE the GOP nominee was set. Swass.