Tuesday, March 25, 2008


I know this is preaching to the choir for many of you lovely people, but this post is about organic food. As organic foods are more expensive, here are two articles which can help you decide how to best flex your purchasing power.

This first article lists 12 items that typically receive a vast amounts of pesticides and/or growth hormones, so try to get these foods in organic when you can. (It includes Meats, Milk, Coffee, Peaches, Apples, Sweet Bell Peppers, Celery, Strawbabies, Lettuce, Grapes, Potatoes, and Tomatoes. This article also lists alternatives for foods with similar vitamins and nutrients when you can't find the above in organic.)

The second article lists 10 foods that either receive lower pesticide treatments or have thick enough skin to protect the food from ag-chemicals. (It lists Asparagus, Avocados, Bananas, Broccoli, Cabbage, Kiwi Fruit, Mango, Onions, Papaya, and Pineapples.)

Live well!
Much love, - Rog

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