Friday, April 11, 2008

Through the Fire and Flames

Hey everyone - I have hoped to post more but unfortunately, I only have small amounts of time to read everyone's posts, and I am blocked from jumping on here at work (when all good blogging is supposed to take place).

But, I'm home today and thought I'd send a quick note.

The children are doing great - Mia is almost 4 weeks old now, and sleeps well through the night. Zachary does a great job helping, although is a little anxious for her to be able to play hockey with him.

Emily is taking 13 weeks off to be with Mia, which is wonderful for her and for the baby. After that, she will go to the same "school" as Zachary - the daycare/learning center that the church we were married at runs.

Speaking of church, recently overheard in the Harrison car:

Zachary: "Mom, who is God?"
Emily: "Well, He is different for everyone, but I believe that he created everything, and everyone."
Zachary: "Like the king?"
Emily: "Well, yes, kind of like a king."
Zachary: "No, Mom, that car. It looks like The King from Cars."

Maybe he just doesn't know what the WWJD stands for on his bracelet.

Anywho, Emily and I are also totally into our Wii (no, not like that, Mrs. Tamashasky. You had your chance). After mastering Wii Tennis and Bowling, we took our hand at Guitar Hero III. Easy the most fun and addicting game ever - it's essentially nothing more than a new outlet to unleash my awesomeness on the world. The Wii in general is so great - Emily, Zachary and I can all three play the same game, we all have a blast, and while it is a video game, you're not sitting idle while you play.

Of course, Guitar Hero is really, really difficult once you get into the Hard (and even Medium) levels. DragonForce's song "Through the Fire and Flames" is the last song, and it's the one all of these guys on YouTube play to break the world record. We're still mastering "Slow Ride" and I think "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star" so not there yet, but if you ever have a chance to try it out, I highly recommend it.

How great was Dr. Katz?

I will try to write more often.

PS Brad you sent me an email which I promptly deleted by mistake. Or maybe you sent it to Emily? One way or another if your message went unanswered, I apologize. Let's blame Science.


RogE-P said...

Vic, I'm so glad to hear things are going so swell with you guys! Bri and I are hoping to be back in the 'Nati for a week sometime this summer, and we'd LOVE to see you and the fam. Will you kids be around this summer? Or, now that you have an extra sherpa (i.e. child) to haul your gear, will this be your opportunity to hike in Nepal? The political situation in that part of the world seems ideal for such a sojourn. Pennyway, if you lovelies will be around, we'd love to see you guys and meet the newest member of your home team. Great to hear from you. Much love!

Adam Tamashasky said...

Dr. Katz was great.

Guitar Hero II--greater, maybe. No, I take that back...but I love it. I'm working through on Hard now, and there's no way I can do Through the Fire and Flames. I couldn't even beat Slash.

If Zach has any more religious questions, feel free to send him my way :)

Love to the clan.

Behind_the_Tree said...

Actually, Zachary did show a surprising amount of interest in the polygamist (sp?) sect compound that was raided. However, his questions were mostly about, "why does her hair look like that?"

Hey, 1825 called, they want their outfits back.

I just beat "My Name is Jonas" by Weezer and "Evenflow" by Pearl Jam on Hard last night - getting tripped up on "Same Old Song and Dance" right now. I ended up wussing out on the battle against Tom Morello - tried 12 times and couldn't get him.

Did you see the GH: Aerosmith game coming out? 60% Aerosmith songs, 40% songs by bands that toured with them, inspired them, etc. Comes out end of June, which should be about the time that I'm ready to throw GHIII out the window because I'll be maxed out.

PS Did anyone see Mrs. Obama on Colbert the other night? Her dry wit and style are just what the White House needs. I wonder how the subtle sarcasm will translate into Arabic though.

Kells said...

Hey there vic - we wanna come visit and meet your newest addition and chill with Zachary. We'll bring juices boxes and snacks... let us know when you guys would be up for visitors...

p.s. ROG - if you crazy kids hit Cincy this summer we best be gettin' a call.... we should be in town all summer except for a week in August (I think the 3rd week) we are headed to St. Thomas : ) YEY!!!

Behind_the_Tree said...

Dudes, all visitors welcome, all the time. We leave the two little ones home alone a lot, so they would probably appreciate you guys swinging by, filling their water dish (dish, not dishes - they need to learn to share).

Rog and Kelly, what dates specifically do you have in mind?

We will be gone first full week of August.

P.S. Emily is turning 30 June 7 so we're having a big blowout bash that night (it's a Saturday). Official invitation to come, but FYI.