Friday, February 8, 2008


...what're the odds we could get you, Tom, to vote for Obama in the primary (even if it's simply a means of trying to stop Clinton from the nomination)?  I just triple-checked on the Ohio primary situation, and it is indeed a modified open primary.  C'mon, take the wild ride and get the Democratic ballot and vote Obama :)

Brad, I loved that Dobson essay.  I almost can imagine him red-faced and crying as he writes it.  "Well, I--I, uh, I just won't vote {sniff}  that's, that's what I'll do."  Awesome.

And to everyone else, even whoever is Behind the Tree, you can add the RSS feed to your email program, possibly, so you'll know when people add entries without having to keep checking back.  I use Mail (we're a Mac family now), and it's easy, and I use Thunderbird (Mozilla's email program) at work, and it's easy to add RSS feeds, too.  Just a thought.

1 comment:

Tom Eardley said...

A question I have to investigate. Can a registered Republican vote in a Democratic primary in Ohio? I will have to dig a little deeper.
Please advise if anyone in our blog can answer the question.

On the Dobson article, great heads up! My question to Dr. Dobson. So does he really believe evangelical followers sitting out this election as sound advice to people that want to be good citizens? What about all his previous advice about getting informed and involved in the political processs. I believe sitting on the sidelines in protest in elections only hurts your stance.

I have admired Dr. Dobson's advice in years past on marriage, family and raising children but I think he has lost his credibility politically with me a long time ago. A Ronald Reagan for a conservative comes along perhaps once in your lifetime. To hold out for the "next" Reagan for a conservative bent or the "next" JFK for a liberal leaning person is simply fantasy thinking.

News Flash Dr. Dobson. It is election year 2008. Our finalists are Hillary, Barack and McCain. Now all of us that care about the future of our country must become well informed via every resource available . Besides that, these candidates each have their own personalitiies and strengths they offer with their leadership.

One final question to all bloggers. Is Ron Paul the hybrid personality of Marge Simpson and Ross Perot?
Take Care,